The 2 techniques LOs use to find their purpose

The top-producers we all admire are much more than just Loan Officers.

They have connected with their purpose.

They know what they have been designed to do.

It’s their calling.

So, how did they find it?

It’s simple.

1. Start with what you have already built

The cool thing about your purpose is that it’s always been your purpose. Sure, you have yet to utilize it to its full potential. However, it has been a part of you since you were born. This is why it’s so valuable to start with what you have already built.

There’s a quote that says, “success leaves clues.” Your past and current success are full of expressions of your purpose. However, it can be very difficult to see these clues on your own. This is because you have always had your purpose and you do not know what it’s like to have a different one.

2. Find a group of people who have found their purpose

There is a phrase called “stealing fire,” that Napoleon Hill uses in his book ‘Think and Grow Rich.’ Napoleon was one of the first to articulate the power of the mastermind effect. He called it “stealing fire,” as you are able to steal abilities from those around you without causing harm to the person that you stole it from. As with fire, using the flame used from one candle to light a second candle does not take away from the flame produced by the first candle. Instead, you now have 2 candles burning instead of one.

As someone who has found my purpose, it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of others who have found theirs. There is something weird that happens once you have found your purpose. You suddenly gain the ability to see the purpose in others. I think this is largely why those that have found their purpose tend to light up a room. Partly because they have found purpose, but also because they see the potential in others. This is also why finding your purpose turns you into a great leader.

Finding your purpose is no easy task. But, it’s also not hard. It’s a continuous process that never ends. One could say it’s your life’s purpose to find your purpose?

The key is to start trying. Finding your purpose doesn’t just happen to you. Like everything worth doing, you must put in the work.

Are you looking for a group of people to help you find your purpose? Our next Loan Officer event is coming up soon. We’d love to have you join us! Click here to apply.
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