LOs, you need to be thinking outside of the box

This marketing strategy is atypical and it’s working for the Loan Officers that do it right.

You see the elite players in the industry use this strategy all of the time.

How does it work?

It’s pretty simple actually.

I’ll break it down into three steps.

Step 1: What is the change you seek to make?
The elite players in the industry are fun to follow. People admire them, want to work for them, and want to help them succeed. Why? Because they have a dream. It’s the same reason Martin Luther King was finally able to create change. He shared his idea of a better society.

The elite players in the mortgage industry do the same thing. They have a change that they seek to make. A change that they believe they are uniquely qualified to make. This change could be a better company to work for, better training, better mentorship, better systems. As long as you are passionate about the change… people will listen. Clients will choose you, Referral partners will want to use you, and LOs will want to work for you.

Step 2: What are your unique abilities?
So, now that you know how to communicate the change that you seek to make, can you explain why you are uniquely qualified to do this? People don’t believe what they hear… they believe what they see. Show them what you know, how you learned it, and what it means for them. Your confidence in knowing your unique abilities sells. It’s this confidence that allows you to earn the trust of other whales that will one day refer business to you.

Step 3: Create a place for them to join you
Now that you have sold them on the change you seek to make. And, they are sold on your ability to create it… You need to build a platform that allows them to join you. This could be a collaboration opportunity, an educational opportunity, a live event, a virtual event, a networking group, or even a book club. Give them an opportunity to join you. People love to support the passionate entrepreneur.

Marketing is quite simple. And, it works when you know who you are and what you are working so hard for. Without this… you just look like every other LO.

Want to find your thing? Want to discover your unique abilities and know how to use them?
Let’s jump on a Zoom call. I have an event coming up in October that will help you.
How To Create Your Unique Brand Identity The systems that the elite players in mortgage used to find their thing

How To Create Your Unique Brand Identity: The Systems That The Elite Players Used To Find Their Thing.