When I grow up, I want to be an LO

It should be no mystery why top-producing Loan Officers still want more despite their success.

When was the last time someone said, “When I grow up, I want to make a ton of money doing the same thing for 20+ years?”

Take a look at the leaders in the mortgage industry that you admire most.

They took a different road… A road that leads to fulfillment, recognition, and purpose.

This road is not that unique. If you think about it, this is the road that everyone wants to take. None of us dreamt of a life where we exchange our time for money. As children, each one of us had hopes of one day finding our purpose and learning how to use it.

However, instead of dedicating our lives to finding our purpose, we assume that it will one day find us. We let decades go by waiting for the “magical one day.”

Here’s the thing… none of the elite players in the mortgage industry found their thing by waiting around. They took action and got help from other people who had found their thing. They understood that fulfilling your full potential takes practice.

How did they find the motivation?

Because there’s nothing scarier than never living up to your full potential.

As high achievers, the pain of never getting to experience what it’s like to find your purpose was too much for them. Instead of waiting, they went all-in. And, it paid off.

Connecting your personal brand to your purpose is the greatest investment you can make as a mortgage professional. It is the only thing that can separate you from everyone else. Why? Because finding your purpose is rare.

Barry Habib, René Rodriguez, Dave Savage, Shayla Gifford, Ryan Grant, Michelle Castle, Dan Keller…

Why do these names stand out?

Because they have found their purpose. It is their calling and it fuels them each and every day. Purpose is a powerful fuel and it’s contagious. Once you have it… everyone wants to be around you. People want to refer business to you, work for you, and help you in any way they can.

The secret to going to the next level is connecting with your purpose. This is the secret that the elite players in mortgage have known for years.

Justin Brown and I will be teaching a free Masterclass on June 15th. “How to use your mortgage business to finance your lifestyle.” Click HERE to register. We’d love to have you join us.
How To Create Your Unique Brand Identity The systems that the elite players in mortgage used to find their thing

How To Create Your Unique Brand Identity: The Systems That The Elite Players Used To Find Their Thing.