Last weekend I hosted an event for Loan Officers who want to remove themselves from day-to-day operations.
We were sitting in a circle talking about how to create a fulfilling lifestyle full of work that excites you.
They are building systems that allow their teams to run the business.
Their teams know exactly what to do, when to do it, and why it’s so important.
Their employees are resourceful and put the fires out on their own.
With these systems in place, you can operate as an owner and work ON your business rather than IN your business.
The key to building a successful mortgage business that runs without you is far more simple than you might think.
The answer is… to get out of the way and let it happen.
My INdesign event was just over one week ago. The event is designed for LOs that are successful… yet unfulfilled. They are frustrated because no matter how hard they work, it never seems to be good enough for them.
Running a business when you are running on empty is difficult and exhausting. Working this way makes everything harder. Days are long and boring. You dread waking up to another workday. Life can only go on so long this way before you feel like quitting.
The INdesign event was designed to put an end to living this way. The systems your mortgage business need are right in front of you. Your team has been wanting these systems for a long time.
I’m talking about creating a business that allows other people to thrive and do the work they are best at. As a leader, it’s your job to create a workplace that allows others to come in and become successful. It’s not about your CRM, lead tracking, and closing gifts. The systems that work are the ones that set your team up for success.
The good news is that you are already using systems that work. All you need to do now is put them into a container that allows other people to use them. Maybe you let them create the systems? (After all, your team will be the ones using the systems anyways).
If you have thought about creating a mortgage business that runs without you, you are not alone.
If you are successful… but still unfulfilled. It may be time for you to think about transitioning into an ownership position. Let’s jump on a Zoom call. I can explain how others are doing it.