Why Top Producers are quitting mortgage

You feel like quitting because your heart is just not in it anymore.

But, quitting won’t solve your problem.

The fulfilling career you desire comes when you use your skill set to create a change that you are passionate about.

If you look at the Loan Officers at the top of the industry…

They seem to have it all figured out.

They have created a business that allows them to use the skills that they have developed over the years to do truly meaningful work that excites them.

To them, work doesn’t even feel like work.

Quitting and looking for something else to do never works. I have done this 3 times and it always results in the same feelings of burnout, boredom, and a lack of fulfillment. Which makes sense if you think about it. The chances of another career or work day fulfilling you are pretty low considering it was invented by someone else. The career you want MUST be designed by you.

Creating this perfect career is much more simple than you think. None of my coaching clients have left the mortgage industry. In fact, most of them are making twice as much money now that they have shifted their role in the business. It really is as simple as following your passion.

Not only will you feel excited doing work that you are passionate about, but you will stand out to your referral partners. There’s nothing more attractive than a Loan Officer who is passionately pursuing a change that is important to them. This doesn’t have to be a change that has anything to do with mortgage (my first go at this was helping high-school seniors with career planning).

If you look at the big-time influencers in business, all of them are passionate about creating a change. How many of us have given money to Gary Vaynerchuck? NONE of us! (unless you’ve bought his shoes.) He runs a media company for fortune 500 businesses. Yet, he still speaks to small business owners passionately about creating content to market themselves online. You see, it’s his passion that captures people’s attention and increases his value.

It’s the combination of what you love to do and what you were made to do that will finally bring you the career you have been working so hard for. It’s this combination that I create for Loan Officers in my INdesign program. A coaching program for loan officers that want to find their thing so that they can use their skill set to create a change that they are passionate about.

If you have considered quitting… consider finding your thing first.
You won’t regret it. Let’s jump on a Zoom call if you’re ready.
How To Create Your Unique Brand Identity The systems that the elite players in mortgage used to find their thing

How To Create Your Unique Brand Identity: The Systems That The Elite Players Used To Find Their Thing.