I’m Roland

Here’s my story


As a young boy, I never felt like I fit in.

It wasn’t that I didn’t have friends… I did. And, it wasn’t that my family wasn’t there for me… they were. But, there was something about society’s version of ”success” that didn’t feel right to me. As much as I wanted to fit in, I was unwilling to spend my life here doing things that I didn’t want to do. As a result, I felt alone and unsupported on my chosen journey.


Feeling unseen was painful.

 always knew that I had something special to offer others, but I was too scared to tell anyone out of fear of them calling me cocky or a narcissist. Too afraid to be myself, I accomplished challenging achievements to get attention from others. I tried getting straight A’s, bodybuilding, and even got my doctorate degree. But, despite all of my accomplishments, it wasn’t enough. I still felt unseen and unappreciated.



Money would get their attention.

Growing tired of not being noticed for my potential, I thought that making millions would finally earn me a seat at the table. Determined to become wealthy, I learned everything there was to know about running your own sports rehab clinic. I went to every conference, course, and became friends with the greatest in the industry.


My first couple million.

As with anyone who dedicates everything they have, my sports rehab business had immediate success. By 2016, I was already opening another location across town. I bought a house with a gated entrance, the Audi R8, and a stellar wristwatch collection. But to my surprise, the feeling of emptiness was still there. I felt no closer to becoming who I wanted to be.



Like most people, I thought I just needed more money.

So, I scaled the business up even more… but, that didn’t make me happy either. I hired a CEO and retired thinking that world travel would fill the emptiness I felt inside. That worked… until it didn’t. Even in Bali, I was still Roland… unseen and unsatisfied. 


Things finally clicked.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t enough, it was that the life I had created wasn’t enough. I never wanted to be rich… I wanted to be free from money so that I could do the work I actually love to do. It wasn’t that I wanted more… I wanted to BE more. I dropped everything and spent 60 hours a week discovering who I was, how I was designed, and what I was meant to do.



The INdesign Formula was born.

I had finally found happiness. For years, I was searching for my purpose… but purpose is not something that can be found. It’s a way of being in the world. It happens when you live in the way that you were designed to be. I bottled everything that I had learned and created the INdesign formula as a way to help other high-achievers turn their successful careers into the life they really want.


I sold my sports rehab business to a Wall Street investment firm.

After watching the INdesign formula do for others what it did for me, I couldn’t do anything else. All I could think about was helping more people discover how they were designed so that they too could experience happiness and fulfillment. My injury care locations run on autopilot but I decided to sell my sports rehab businesses to free up my attention to focus on the future of INdesign. Nine months later, I was written a check for a life-changing amount of money. For some, this would be the end… for me, this was just the beginning.



What we are doing now

Our INdesign community has grown quickly as so many people are searching for more purpose, meaning, and impact. Fulfillment comes to those who use their unique abilities to create change.

I can help you get there.